What is a breast lump?
A breast lump is a mass that forms in the breast, which can vary in size, shape, and feel. While some breast lumps can cause pain, others go unnoticed until they are detected during screenings. Although rare, breast lumps may also occur in men.
In general, most breast lumps are benign (non-cancerous). However, a lump is often the first sign of breast cancer. Women should perform a breast self-exam once a month. You should notify your doctor if you notice anything out of the ordinary about the way your breasts look and feel.
Are you at risk of breast cancer?
- Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in Singapore
- Can occur at any age group but usually occurs in women over the age of 40
- Breast cancer risk increases with age
- Personal history of breast cancer
- Family history of breast cancer
- Genetic predisposition (defects in BRCA 1 or BRCA 2 genes)
- Radiation exposure to the chest during childhood or adolescence
- Early onset of menses or late menopause
- Use of combined hormone replacement therapy
- Use of birth control pills
- Excessive alcohol intake
What are the signs and symptoms of breast cancer?
- Persistent lump in the breast or axilla
- Change in breast skin colour or appearance, such as redness, puckering or dimpling
- Change in breast size or shape
- Discharge from the nipple, especially if it is bloody
- Change in the nipple or areola, such as scaling, persistent rash, or nipple retraction
How often should I go for breast cancer screening?
- Breast self-exam once a month
- Clinical breast exam once every year from 40 years and above
- Mammogram once a year from 40 to 49 years and every 2 years from 50 years onwards
- We also recommend an ultrasound of the breasts to improve detection rate
Why Choose Us
The Centre for Screening and Surgery (CSS) specialises in the screening and detection of cancer in its early stages. We perform breast screening with a high-resolution ultrasound machine and in-house mamotome biopsy equipment which detect potential breast cancers.
We can also biopsy any suspicious lesion at the same time. The ultrasound machine is also used to diagnose thyroid nodules, gallstones, or hernias. CSS is led by Dr Kum Cheng Kiong who specialises in cancer surgery, and he believes in breast conservation and has performed hundreds of such operations.
Yes, breast cancer is curable when detected and treated in its early stages.
Breast cancer if detected early has a more than 90% cure rate. If detected late, in addition to surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy may be required.
No, there is no evidence that homeopathic remedies or lifestyle changes can treat any type of cancer, and it’s dangerous to rely solely on alternative treatments like herbs and supplements. Medical intervention is necessary to stop the spread of cancer or slow its growth.
Breast cancer often spreads first to the lymph nodes under your arm. It may also spread to the lungs, liver, bone, and other organs.
Cancerous lumps are usually painless, hard masses that steadily grow in size, although some cancerous lumps may also be soft, tender, or even painful. The only way to determine if your lump is cancerous is through a biopsy